Massive Myanmar Mountain Jadeite Boulder Specimen

Offered here is a massive jadeite mountain boulder that weighs 4,370 grams / 9.6 lbs (21,850 carats) that was recently recovered. Whether it is used as a scholar's stone resembling a mountain as it does, a specimen, or cut to produce carvings or jewelry is up to you. The stone is in excellent very stable condition and features deep emerald jadeite on a white matrix. Photos are taken both dry and wet to show the true colors of the stone in daylight (no filters). Jadeite is far rarer than nephrite and highly prized for its incredible strength (6.5-7 on the mohs hardness scale) and color for centuries. It is quite difficult to find large well colored stones like this in the United States and prices continue to soar as demand from China is hot.

We know that this jadeite boulder was imported into the US in the early 1980s by jade importer, Florence Ma of the Akron Ohio Mon community. Florence and her late partner, ran a business dealing in Burmese jadeite and other rough and cut stones for a number of years. The stone was purchased then by a Chicago-based collector, and I purchased it from his estate (original provenance is included with the sale).

Competitive offers considered.

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这里提供的是一块最近恢复的重达 4,370 克/9.6 磅(21,850 克拉)的巨大硬玉山地巨石。无论是将其用作像山一样的学者石、标本,还是切割以制作雕刻品或珠宝,都取决于您。这颗石头处于极好的非常稳定的状态,并在白色基质上镶嵌着深绿色翡翠。拍摄干湿两用照片,以显示日光下石头的真实颜色(无滤镜)。硬玉远比软玉稀有,几个世纪以来因其令人难以置信的强度(莫氏硬度为 6.5-7)和颜色而备受推崇。在美国很难找到像这样的大型彩色宝石,而且随着中国需求的火爆,价格继续飙升。

我们知道,这颗翡翠原石于 1980 年代初由玉石进口商、俄亥俄州阿克伦蒙社区的弗洛伦斯·马进口到美国。弗洛伦斯和她已故的合伙人经营缅甸硬玉和其他原石和切磨石的生意多年。这块石头当时是由一位芝加哥收藏家购买的,我是从他的庄园购买的(原始出处包含在销售中)。



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